Sunday, June 29, 2008

I saw on TV that what we call margarine is good for you, This particular ad extolled "Everything's better with Blue Bonnet On It" I wondered about that so I retrieved my tub from the fridge. Surprise, Surprise! No where on the product does it say "Margarine".

It says "Fresh Creamy Taste, "Everything's better with Blue Bonnet On It" ""No Cholesterol, "Homestyle" "No Trans Fat" but no where does it say "Margarine" SO!!! Exactly what is it that I am eating? First of all I discovered that if you put it on hot toast, it does not melt. It just lays there until the toast grows cold if you do not eat it. It seems to melt OK on a baked potato. I read on, to me an authority of what is true or not the following.
Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC..... (This fact alone was enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated, this means hydrogen is added changing the molecular structure of the food.)
You can try this for yourself, purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area, within a couple of days you will note a couple of things, no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it, (that should tell you something) it does not rot, smell differently... Because it has no nutritional value, nothing will grow on it, even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not find a home to grow... Why?
Because it is nearly plastic. Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?
The ingredients are as follows:

Water, the #1 ingrediant

Liquid Soybean Oil

Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil



Vegetable Monoglycerides

Soy Lecithin

Propylene Glycol Monostearate (Elmussifiers)

Sodium Benzoate

Potassium Sorbate

Calcium Disodium

Citric Acid

Artificial Flavor (Even That's not real)

Vitamin A Palmitate

Colored with Beta Caradine

Does any of this scare you when you really have no idea what you are eating? I for one am switching back to Butter! It has no Trans Fat. Margarine, very high in trans fatty acids triple risk of Coronary Heart Disease, Increases LDL ( This is the bad Cholesterol), Lowers HDL cholesterol and this is the good one, Increases the risk of cancers by up to five fold, lowers quality of breast milk, decreases immune response, and decreases insulin response.

I am openn to any comment and would welcome feedback as to what you and your family use.


Junosmom said...

We use only (real) butter or olive oil.

Interesting post. I've tried very hard to stay away from "fake" ingredients in our diet.

Junosmom said...

PS - happy to see you blogging again!

Anonymous said...

Apparently you didn't read snopes very carefully.